Yeah. Things are a little different around here now. The wonderful software I’m using to do the site had a major update and I’m still learning all the changes. Mostly visual, because that’s what I suck at most. But all will be well. Galleries and whatnot all work as usual, so please to be enjoying them.
Sometimes life gets busy, in spite of the contract that clearly states it will try very hard not to do that. So I’ve been doing corporate headshots and family portraits the last couple of weeks and I must say…. people are not as awful to photograph as I have been telling myself they are. I stand corrected. Some of them are quite lovely, actually. Once I have registered and fully ingested this new information, I shall return with more updates.
Every now and again I like to give something away. It must be now. Or again. Because it’s time to give something away. September 2020 Glass Print Giveaway Turbo 3000XL eXtreme!
Do you like dandelions? I sure do. I mean, not in my own lawn, but in the lawns of others. Delightful little things. Behold a collection of dandelion photos. All – sadly – from my lawn. But still lovely.