A Hug

Once upon a time there was a hug. It was unlike any other hug. It was a reality-changing, life-altering, mind-blowing hug. It's on the endangered species list now because there…

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Tender Mercies

"The Lord is good to all: and his tender mercies are over all his works." Some mornings, as you walk by the glass doors leading onto the deck, you notice…

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Not Enough. Enough.

How can something be simultaneously not nearly enough and more than enough? Enough is probably not the right word. I rarely have the right words. More than enough in the…

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At first glance

She is objectively, undeniably beautiful at first glance. But I remain for a moment beyond first glance. Texture and complexity and details missed in a first glance reveal themselves and…

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Soft Edges

For my part, I do not want life to be tack sharp. The mystery and beauty and wonders of life are often found in the blurred, soft edges and undefined…

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How easy it is to forget that a memory exists only in the past. I must keep my wits about me, keep ever at the forefront of my consciousness that…

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